 Debbie_Archiga_1 The shifts in language arts instruction outlined in the Common Core State Standards – chiefly the need for students to read informational text and engage in academic conversations around these texts – will require all learners to know and apply a new range of strategies particular to this type of text. This training will provide teachers with both the knowledge and ability to use effective scaffolding strategies to support all students.

June 9th

Kindergarten – 2nd

June 10th

3rd – 6th



8am Registration, Coffee, and Snacks.

Lunch on your own

More Info: 520.471.0877

Limited Seats Available


Program counts toward Professional Development Hours

Registration Form

 The participant will take a peek in real classrooms with video footage of students engaged in the reading and writing of informational texts. K-2 will explore the many strategies of approach (Interactive read-aloud, shared reading, guided reading and independent reading) for providing multiple opportunities of students to engage with informational texts. Some of the strategies to be addressed in the 3rd-6th session will include text structure, text features and academic vocabulary. Additionally, there will be a segment addressing “doze reading” with tools for creating text dependent questions and crafting written responses closely tied to the text.


Presenter:Debbie Arechiga is a national Literacy Consultant from Tucson,Arizona with over 20 years in education, including extensive experience working in K-6 classrooms.She has extensive experience teaching second language learners, modeling literacy lessons for teachers and coaching teachers for effective literacy practice. Debbie has a passion for the discovery of new ideas and possibilities in literacy. In the best tradition

of education, she imparts not only valuable teaching philosophy and useful tools, but the vision and can-do confidence that genuinely empowers teachers and students to make bold strides toward literacy excellence.

Author of Reaching English Language Learners in Every Classroom.


Click for Registration and Flyer – Tools for Literacy