We are excited for the Satori SpellCheck, our annual spelling fundraiser! SpellCheck is a wonderful and easy way to earn extra funds for our school, all while our students learn to spell new words. Plus, 100% of the money raised during the Satori SpellCheck stays at Satori. Yes, you read that right we keep 100% of the funds! SpellCheck has been an extremely successful fundraiser for us in the past. This year we hope you can help us to raise $6,000!
Here’s how Satori SpellCheck works:
Your child studies a list of spelling words and collects pledges from family and friends for every word that he or she will spell correctly on the Satori SpellCheck. Your child improves his or her spelling skills and Satori enjoys the financial benefits! Grades 2 – 8 have a list of 50 words, younger classes have fewer words to spell.
Satori SpellCheck timeline:
- Wednesday, October 19: Satori SpellCheck Kick-off! Students will receive their packets and begin to study the words on their Satori SpellCheck Study Words sheets. Students begin to collect pledges.
- Monday, November 14 – Wednesday, November 16: Teachers conduct the SpellCheck tests in classrooms (they will let you know the day & time). Pledge sheets are DUE to teachers the day of the test!
- Monday, November 21 – Wednesday, November 23: Pledge sheets and graded tests will be sent home with your student.
- Monday, November 21 – Thursday, December 8: Students collect the calculated pledge funds!
- Thursday, December 8 – All pledge funds DUE back to Satori!
- Friday, December 9 – Satori Spelling Bee
- January 2022: We will have a Reward Party for all students that participate (take the test and collect a pledge). Any size pledge amount counts towards the reward! Details for the party to be announced soon.
We can use your help!
- Work with your child to correctly spell their Satori SpellCheck study words.
- Indicate your level of support on the Satori SpellCheck Pledge Form (attached). Be sure to ask family and friends to make pledges, too! We can’t and would not want to do this without your support. Remember Satori keeps 100% of the monies raised.
- Ensure that your child returns the pledge form to their teacher on the day of the test, Nov 14-16.
We hope you share our excitement about your child’s participation in the Satori SpellCheck! Together we can encourage strong spelling skills and help Satori meet its fundraising goals! Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or stop by the office if you have any questions.
Mindy Gutzmer
Office Manager, Fundraising & Outreach Coordinator